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Alex Johnson BSc (Hons) Ost - ISRN

Alex Johnson BSc (Hons) Ost

Born to Principal Dancers of the Royal Ballet, Alex grew up with osteopathy playing a prominent role in the maintenance of his family’s general health. This heavily influenced Alex’s early desire to become an osteopath and he subsequently started his training at the British School of Osteopathy in 1999. From 2000 onwards he also began studying…
Annette Jowett ND - ISRN

Annette Jowett ND

Having grown up in a family with parents and grandparents who were great believers of the intrinsic natural healing power of the body and a father who is a graduate of the Edinburgh School of Natural Therapeutics, my interest in natural healing was nurtured from an early age. I firmly believe in the delicate interlinking…

Atul Shah BPharm ( Hons) ND DO

Based in York ( Telephone consultations may be available for those unable to get to York). Tel: 01904 623693 Mobile 0791 424 9463 Web: Email: Atul Shah graduated from the University of Bath in the 1982 with a honours degree in pharmacy. It was whilst he was studying at university that he started…
Joanna Thomson ND ISRN

Joanna Thomson ND – President & Registrar

I was born and brought up at the Kingston Nature Cure Clinic in Edinburgh; my grandparents James C Thomson and Jessie R Thomson founded the Nature Cure movement in Scotland early in the 20th century. My father, C Leslie Thomson and his two sisters, Hazel and Joyce, and my grandparents established the Kingston Clinic in…
ISRN - David Tinsley

David Tinsley, MA

I have been trained under the auspices of the Incorporated Society of Registered Naturopaths (ISRN) to be a “Straight Nature Cure” practitioner and believe that the body has a superb innate intelligence to care for itself if we ensure it receives the right nutrition, rest, exercise and emotional support. It is this advice and support…
Sheila Wallace ND - Nature Cure Society Practitioner

Sheila Wallace ND

I went to work at Kingston Clinic in 1976, having heard about Kingston's approach to Nature Cure at Enton Hall where I worked for a short while. I arrived, green indeed to the Kingston ways of natural teaching and living, and it transformed my approach to life and health. I had been brought up in…

Live well, eat well, be well

Live Well, Eat Well, Be Well will revolutionize the way you think about your health – and your illnesses. This essential guide to the Nature Cure as the foundation for healthy living and disease prevention and is based on 50 years of residential clinical experience at the Kingston Clinic in Edinburgh. Originally devised over a…

About the ISRN

The Society membership consists of a dedicated group of practitioners spread mainly within the United Kingdom, with some overseas; who have consistently maintained the principles of "Straight Nature Cure" in their practices and in their relationship to their patients' education and treatment. Practitioners of this society are deeply concerned at the deteriorating health of our…
ISRN Logo - Nature Cure Society UK

New ISRN logo

This logo represents a fresh flowering of Nature Cure; we felt it was time for a new logo to represent Thomson Kingston Nature Cure and the long-established Incorporated Society of Registered Naturopaths as it moves into its second century. We are at the start of a new awakening of interest in true alternatives to orthodox…

The Petals

The original logo or icon was based on a square sitting on the ancient conventional symbols for Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The new logo has five petals to represent the five senses: Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing and Sight. The colours of those petals also represent those older established elements.

The Circle

The circle in blue represents the circle of consciousness, as it sits within the petals but is not bound by them. But the circle also represents water, so essential to health and life. It is also the blue planet, our earth that we live and depend upon.

The ISRN Anniversary conference was a huge success

The Marriott Hotel York proved to be an excellent venue for the event, we held our conference meetings in the business suite,
and we also had a lovely break-out
area for meeting other delegates, whilst enjoying the amazing refreshments. The chef worked really hard pulling together not only the refreshments but lunch and evening meal to our…